You do not need seeds to get CocoLoco on Moshi Monsters. You complete a Super Moshi Mission to get CocoLoco.109: *CocoLoco the Naughty Nutter [Nutties] Ultra Rare: Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind
U have to beat super moshi mission 11
There is no code for CocoLoco. You must complete Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 1 in order to get CocoLoco.Season 2Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind: 109: CocoLoco the Naughty Nutter [Nutties] Ultra-RareYou have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.
If you are a paid Moshi Member, you will get CocoLoco in Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind.109: *CocoLoco the Naughty Nutter [Nutties] Ultra Rare: Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind
Go to the observatory and play the super moshi mission.
Quite a lot of people, since the new Moshi Mission has come out; nearly all active Moshi Members have obtained CocoLoco.
Play Season 2 Mission 2.
The first moshling you get in Super Moshi Missions Season 2 is CocoLoco the Naughty Nutter.
U can't U have to do mission 1 series 2!
To get coco loco you have to do a super moshi mission in the volcano :( but im lucky because i am a member
To get CocoLoco the moshling on Moshi Monsters, you have to be a paid member and a Super Moshi and complete Super Moshi Series 2 Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind.109: *CocoLoco the Naughty Nutter [Nutties] Ultra-Rare: Series 2 Super Moshi Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind
the coconut pet is cocoloco and you get him by finishing the moshimonster mission 1 season2