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Q: Do you have to pay for project64 if you download it?
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Where can you download Project64?

Project64 can be downloaded from the program's website at the link below.

Zelda on the Internet?

You must download Project64 1.7 P.S go to Google

What emulator is good for playing super Mario 64 DS on PC?

Download a program called "Project64" I am currently using 'Project64 v1.6 (Version 1.6)", and it works for me and my peers perfectly.

Can you play ocarina of time with no rom or emulator?

no you need to download project64 to play it you can find it

Where can you download a Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Rom for Project64 that has the original Fire Temple music?

I'm not sure, but you should try ""

Where can you play paper Mario without a download on the PC for free?

youtube a program called project64 or pj64 for short then u can download all the n64 games and play them on the pj64 emulator on your PC for free

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Do you have to pay if you download minecraft?

You have to pay for the game before you can download

How do you get link to the past on project64?

You can't. Project64 is a N64 emulator, and thus you can't get A Link to the Past (a SNES game) on it. You should try downloading a SNES emulator.

Do you have to pay to download things onto my PS3?

You have to pay to download items that are not free and have a cost. You do not pay to download free items which do not have a charge.

Do you have to pay for ios for you ipod touch after you pay for the download. Do you even have to pay for download?

mmm not really