No, well if you can make the turtle eat the pies in 3 seconds you don't need them,you get three and there are 4 bomb questions
As opposed to the Impossible Quiz 2, where you use the skips, on the first game you save them all for question #110.You pick up skips on questions 10, 20, 35, 55, and 75.(see the related solution)
A fusestopper is from the game The Impossible Quiz 2. They come in handy when you need more time to think on a question. They defuse bombs. Click on one to stop the bomb so then you have more time to think.
choose "plus 1 skip" because for the very last question on the quiz, you need all your skips, so if you dont click "plus 1 skip" you will never be able to finish the quiz
Use all 7 skips. i.e. you can't use in the game play.
Check out this video: It has all the answers plus skips and fuestoppers!
The bubble on question 9 The green bomb on question 29 Press Q on your keyboard on question 63
The impossible quiz is a very famous online quiz created by Splapp-Me-Do.
There are 110 questions and you can't use any of your skips until the end. The last 10 are "the epic 10." (for the answers, see the related question)
The impossible quiz is a very famous online quiz created by Splapp-Me-Do.
Impossible Quiz 2
there is not answer, its impossible and the end of the quiz
Impossible quiz 1 = an elephant. Impossible quiz 2 = press the right arrow.