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To make a ruby amulet, you will in the end need a ball of wool yes. Once you have the amulet that is not strung, click the wool, then click the amulet and it will be complete.

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Q: Do you need wool to make a ruby amulet?
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Amulets of magic can be made by using a gold bar with a furnace while having a cut sapphire and an amulet mould in your inventory (requires 24 crafting). Then collect some wool from a sheep using some shears, and spin it on a spinning wheel. Add the ball of wool to the amulet. This then need enchanting by using a cosmic and water rune (requires 7 magic) to finally create an amulet of magic.

How do you make an amulet on RuneScape?

First you need an amulet mould, a ball of wool, which you can get by shearing sheep and spinning the wool on a spinning wheel, and a cut gem of any sort, and a gold ore. Add the gold ore to the amulet mould, then add the cut gem. Finally, put in the wool and wear your amulet. Voila!

How do you make sapphire amulet on runescappe?

Search how do you make a magic amulet, then just skip the enchant part. (Amulet mould + cut sapphire + ball of wool + gold bar + furnace.)

How do you make an amulet of strengh on RuneScape?

The following are required to make Amulet of Strength:The level requirements1x Ruby ( cut it if it is un-cut using a chisel on it )1x Gold Bar1x Ball of Wool1x Amulet MouldMagic level to cast Enchant level-3 & Runes.To make the amulet Simply do the following:Make sure you have the following items with you.Go to Falador, this place is best since there is a furnace nearby a bank.Go to the Furnace, then use gold bar on it.A menu should pop up, select the Ruby Amulet to make it.Once you have made the Amulet art, imply use a Ball of Wool on it to string it.Then imply use Level-3 Enchant from your spell book, to turn it into an Amulet of Strength.

How do you make jewllery on RuneScape?

-Items Needed-- 1x Gold Bar ( Per Jewelery you want to make )- A Cut Gem ( Dependent on what Type Of Jewelery E.G RubyRing )- Ball Of Wool ( Only if you are making an amulet )- Access to a furnace ( Falador and Seers are great places )- The appropriate Mould ( If your making an amulet get an Amulet Mould )- The Right Crafting level to make that piece of Jewelery ( Clicking on Crafting skill - Jewelery category helps here )- Rings that you used gems for can be enchanted, provided you have the right magic level-What to Do-Once you have all the above:* Take the Gold Bar + Cut Gem + Mould and if your making amulet a ball of wool to the Furnace.* Use Gold Bar on the furnace, and select your jewelery.* If your making an amulet use ball of wool on the amulet to make a strung version.* If you have the magic level and the runes required to enchant that level jewelery, enchant it.

How do you make sapphire amulet on runescape?

You will need the following items:The Required Levels.1x Cut Sapphire, if it is uncut simply use a chisel on it to cut it.1x Ball of Wool1x Gold Bar1x Amulet MouldRunes for Level-1 Enchant. OptionalTo make the amulet you do the following:Go to Falador, this is the best place to go for this kind of thing since there is a bank nearby a furnace, Alternatively you can go to Edgeville.Make sure you have the listed items above with you, then head to the furnace.Once at the furnace, use a gold bar on it and click the Sapphire Amulet Icon.Once you have the Amulet piece in your inventory, use a Ball of Wool on it to complete the amulet.This part is where you repeat steps 2-4 until you have as many as you need, and optionally you can enchant them to make Amulet of Magic's.

How do you make a ammulet in RuneScape?

u need a cut gem(chisel an uncut one if it not already cut),one gold bar for every ammy,amulet mound, a furnace,a ball of wool,and the level needed to make it. click the gold bar then the furnace. a screen should pop up, and u should click the desired amulet u would like 2 make. after u have the unstrung ammy click on the ball of wool and your ammy...and there u go

Can you make a bed without using wool in minecraft?

No, you need wool.

How do get a holy amulet on RuneScape?

You need 60 prayer a ball of wool, holy mould and silver bar, and certain crafting level ( not sure )Once you have the following, go to falador.- Use silver bar on furnace with holy mould in your inventory as well.- Create Holy Amulet Unstrung.- Use ball of wool On the amulet to string it.- Now you need to bless it you can either use a holy book or book of balance. ( if you have prayer level)Note: If you don't have any of those in the last bit, simply look for a player wielding a green or white book, and ask them if they can bless it for you ( being careful of not getting scammed ).

How do you string amulets on runescape?

i think you just get some string click on it then click on the amulet and it strings it get wool and spin it into string

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The easiest way to get string in RuneScape is by buying it off of the Grand Exchange located in Varrock. Although, it is possible to create different types of string by using balls of wool or flax. Flax is used to make bow strings while balls of wool are used to create amulet strings.

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