Ascension or call of the dead
the biggest zombie map that is out right now is proabably moon or call of the dead
The 4 World at war zombie maps and the newer zombie map moon
It is given out on occasion by the random box in the map Shi No Numa, the zombie map in map pack 2, or in the Der Reise zombie map pack random boxes.
beet the game 100 times
i am really sorry to tell you this but you cant you have to get map pack or something else but i wish there was a code to unlock all zombie maps on the wii
hardend adition but its about 99 pounds its gay i think
you go to zombies and click online
yes there is a zombie-survival-bonus-map You have to complete the game first tho
I would say Nacht der Untoten or Zombie Verruckt for single player and Der Riese for multiplayer
It comes out a month later after it comes out for xbox
It is called Der Riese, it is a secret zombie lab. It's a tight map, it has teleportors and cool perks machines. Best map in COD by far.