yes it does but only if your attack, strength or attack levels are lower than your range. if you have say, level 70+ attack, strength, and defence, then it may take like 80 range levels to make your combat level go up by 1. but if you are just starting off and you are pure, then you have 1 attack and 1 defence and like 20 defence, you might be lvl 60 ranged and by combat level 30 or so. range does contribute to your combat level but ever so slightly
yes. anything relating to "combat" will raise your combat level.
obviously combat, because of strength!
An aerial combat at short range is known as a 'Dogfight'.
yes it does Any combat related skill will raise your combat level. These skills are Attack, Strength, Defence, Range, Pray, Magic and Summoning
The combat range of most Chinooks is 450 miles
I would have to say ranged.(Actually It depends on you) It goes in a cycle range,combat and magic. Range beats magic. Magic beats combat. And combat beats range. so it's just about what you are fighting. hope this helped. God of torag
Yes, depending on your combat style it will level different combat stats - and all of those styles (Melee, Mage, Range) contribute to your combat level.
The phrase close combat typically means combat which occurs at very short range. Typically in modern times this is where close quarters combat and hand-to-hand combat training is vital for the armed forces.
It does if your ranged level is based higher than your other combat based skills.
On the standard deviation. It has no effect on the IQR.
your range lvl dosent matter its your combat lvl that dose and combat lvl isint effected by range lvls. so you could have 99.
lv 48