Your obviously special ed and cant read so I'll help u out. STEEL SKIN INCREASES YOUR DEFENCE BY 15%. Now was it so hard to move your mouse over STEEL SKIN and read it?
steel skin increases your defence by 15% against melee, magic and range
There is something called a "Protect from Magic" Prayer. But you need a prayer level of 37.
The Giants Scarabs weaknesses are:Iban Blast ( Magic )Ice Rush ( Magic, best choice )Stab Attacks ( Melee, Best and only choice )slayer dart ( Magic )
It depends on how high your prayer level is.
There is no "magic mage" on RuneScape. There are various ways to train magic, and there are various mages, or wizards.
Black Demon Weaknesses:Darklight (Weapon)Silverlight (Weapon)Holy waterCrush attacks (Mace, Battle Axe, Great Axe, 2h-Swords)Slash attacks (Longsword, 2h Swords, Daggers, Short Swords)Magic attacks
Magic bonuses.
It gives good magic stat boosts.
for non members, you can wear green d'hide after you dude dragon slayer and have 40 defense. green dragon hide has good defense bonuses againts magic.
There is no magic planks in runescape. Only plank, oak plank, teak plank and mahogany plank.
Dessous is most harmed against air spells and make sure u pour the silver blessed pot with blood crushed garlic and spice in it then put protect from magic on use the best air type spell you can GOOD LUCK
Magic lamps are awarded from Random Event boxes.