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Everybody tries all the time and they say you have to be all white or all secret light blue (click right edge of purple on right edge of colors at the bottom), but I've never seen it work. Everybody goofs off or doesn't cooperate. I have seen similar things work though, like sleeping by the fountain and the phantoms coming out and entering a scret room and getting rare. I personally have been trying forever because the prize is said to be 10 diamonds!

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Q: Does the dimond room on animal jam give you diamonds if you dance?
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talk to him 50 times thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, some diamonds will give this appearance.

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Roselia only evolves once you give it the Shiny Stone.

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When you go to the lake by Pastoria city and you get its gym badge the champion will come to you when you go by it and give you a SpecialMedicine that you give to the Psyduck

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How do you get free pixie diamonds?

You get Free Pixie Diamonds by leveling up. Other ways you can get Pixie diamonds, is by becoming a member where they give you monthly pixie diamonds, you can buy 100, 200 pixie diamonds too.

Are there any Animal Jam diamond codes?

Unfortunately, there are no KNOWN codes for diamonds on Animal Jam. However, some memberships that you can purchase at stores such as Best Buy have diamonds that come with them. Look me up on AJ! I'm eab8010! Actually a diamond code for 2015 is twelve. It hasn't expired yet. I am abelino844

Are diamonds substances or compounds?

Diamonds are formed from carbon, which is the only element contained in diamonds, except for traces of other elements, such as nitrogen and boron. Trace elements can give colour to diamonds.

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