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Yup! It should!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: Does the rock band drum mic and guitar work with rockband2?
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Witch is better guitar hero or rock band?

rock band way better

Does rock band 1 drums work for rockband2?

rock band 1 drums does work for rock band 2. guitar hero drums also work on the rock band games. ( the orange is a blue note )

Can you play rock band on guitar hero drums?

You can play rock band drum on guitar hero drums band.

Does the rock band drum set work on guitar hero too?


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Does the Rock Band drum set work with guitar hero?


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Yes, you can. I'm not sure of the Rock Band 1 instruments, but Rock Band 2 instruments for sure...

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Does the guitar hero band work on rock band?

Rock Band is compatible with most game controllers, including the Guitar Hero: World Tour mic. and guitar. However, since the GH: WT drum set has cymbals, I don't believe that it will be compatible with Rock Band.

Can guitar hero world tour drum set be used in rock band?


Does Lego rock band need a guitar?

Yes, but you need a microphone or a drum set.

Does a Guitar Hero world tour guitar work for Guitar Hero warriors of rock?

Yes, any Xbox 360 Guitar will work with Guitar Hero: WoR even Rock Band guitars.