Yes, but not the drums (but a guitar hero drums will work on a rock band game)
no wat type of question is that
No you can't
yes, the guitar hero drums will work for band hero
You can play rock band drum on guitar hero drums band.
You have to do a game update, so you need internet for your console , them the guitar hero drums work on rock band2, rock band 1 game wont work with guitar hero drums but you should be able to buy the export key and transfer the songs onto rock band 2
Your Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar will work with all Rock Band games but your drums will not work with any of the games because the Guitar Hero Drums have one more pad than the rock band drums
rock band 1 drums does work for rock band 2. guitar hero drums also work on the rock band games. ( the orange is a blue note )
No, they don't.
well ive seen people play guitar hero with rock band drums so i don't see why not