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If your talking about the code for everything and for a GBA GameShark (not for a GBA emulator) that here it is: 97726CAE9184 17832E0E3475 B85E5A770386 Hope this helped:)

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Q: GAMESHARK cheat Pokemon sapphire master code?
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How can you get Pokemon Sapphire for vba?

By Useing Gameshark or other cheat codes.

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What does the Pokemon sapphire mastercoder do?

I don't know, but my guess would be it's like a gameshark cheat.

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you don't need a cheat code you just need a master ball to catch someone else's pokemon. glad to help! emilytheanswerwizard99

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You Get a game shark for your Gameboy or Gameboy advanced

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with cheat code.

Is there a cheat for infinite master balls on Pokemon emerald without a gameshark or action replay?

$#@! no

Are you able to make a cheat on a gameshark and use the master code for Pokemon emerald?

Yes you can.

Can you Groudon in sapphire?

only with a cheat or gameshark!!!!!!!!!!!!

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fid team aquas hide out and you will get 1

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equip the master ball to a Pokemon and clone it using the Pokemon clone cheat.. its so simple..

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