first you need a diary farm with a up to 19 cows, do not exceed 19.. then u need to adopt a bull that a friend found on their farm and put him in the dairy farm.. when u go to milk your cows there is a possibility you will have a baby calf. FYI only one bull per dairy farm
It stays a calf forever
Zynga is stupid, and they don't let any foal or calf grow into what it is the foal or calf of.
80 coins!
Unfortunately just one person can adopt a calf or foal.
Nothing you just brush it and get 80 coins
ok put the bull in a dary barn and it may get a calf!
Yes if you put them in a nursery or a baby animal pen
the different color calfs come from xmas presents.
you gotta wait a while! ;)
If you put a bull in with the cows you are going to get a baby calf!!!
Yes, If you put foals and Calves into the Nursery Barn they will grow into diffront types of cows and horses