Mew and Mewtwo cannot breed because they are both legendary. Mewtwo is just a failed clone of the original Mew.
No, you cannot breed Mewtwo and Mew together, they are both Legendary Pok
No, it is impossible to breed Mewtwo and Mew with any Pokemon or for any Pokemon. Their Egg Group is No Egg, which prevents them to breed.
Mewtwo is a legendary Pokémon, therefore it cannot breed. If you want a Mew you'll have to trade it from one of the previous games.
No, Legendary Pokemon cannot be produced by breeding. No legendary will produce eggs with Ditto, apart from Manaphy, which will produce Phione eggs.
There is no such pokemon as Mew-Three. But there is Mew and Mewtwo.
Mew Mewtwo Zoura
Mewtwo is a clone character of Mew, so yes but Mewtwo is a clone to Mew. Mewtwo is a clone of Mew, so yes he is but Mewtwo is a clone
Mew Mewtwo Zoura
Sorry but you can only get an armored mewtwo (mew three) in crystal version.
Mewtwo cannot breed with any Pokémon including Mew. The logic behind it is first its a Legendary and its a clone.
its a Pokemon sprite but mewtwo and mew are not so if you wanted a mewthree tobad