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To avoid being deluged by questions, comments, and complaints, Poptropica has not established a direct e-mail access for its users. The Creators blog is at the related link, but all other Poptropica websites are run by third parties not connected with the company.

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Q: How can you contact Poptropica to have a glitch fixed?
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Who can you contact at Poptropica about a glitch in a game?

Poptropica does not have any contact addresses for the games. The only support is for billing, registering an e-mail, or managing accounts. (see related link)

Your screen is black on pattonscape what do you do?

contact an admin. the account is glitch and has to fixed by an admin or mod

How do you glitch poptropica and beat the islands?

There is no found glitch for this. All you have to do is beat them.😜

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there was a glitch but they fixed it.

Does ratchet and clank a crack in time have a major glitch?

Yes there is a glitch but i believe the game will be republished and the glitch will be fixed

Why do everyone suddenly have head without a body in Poptropica?

Its probably just a glitch Its probably just a glitch

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No, Not yet.

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No, the patch fixed it.

How do you get to the phenix on Poptropica?

go to the balloon and jump off it (glitch)

Y does the guard with the goggles hit you poptropica?

Most likley it is a glitch!

Your emails on Howrse are not working why?

There is a glitch, but it is being fixed