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Q: How can you decrease lagging during the heel behavior?
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What conditions made Poland poor during the Jewish Genocide?

During ww2, Poland was under the heel of the Wehrmacht.

What achievements did Paris of Troy make during the Trojan War?

Paris managed to kill Achilles, the great warrior, by wounding his heel with an arrow. Achilles' heel was his only mortal point on his invulnerable body, which is where the saying 'Achilles' heel' comes from.

What heel was Achilles week heel?

The left heel was Achilles week heel.

Which son of Isaac held the heel of his brother at birth?

Jacob held the heel of his brother Esau. They were born as a unit. Jacob did not lose his grip during the birth process - he hung on tenaciously.

What is the meaning of Achilles' heel?

It is a person's point of weakness. Achilles, according to legend, was dunked in the River Styx by his mother Thetis when he was a baby. She wanted to make him immortal. While dunking him, she held him by the heel. This is the only body part that was not immortal. During the Trojan War, Paris shot him in the heel, killing him. His heel was his only weak point, hence his "Achilles Heel.'

What does heel by the heel mean?

Many of us get heal and heel confuse and BasicallyHeal means to feel betterWhile heel means the shoe heel or the foot

Heel of hand placement for CPR?

During CPR, the heel of one hand should be placed in the center of the chest on the breastbone between the nipples, with the other hand on top. The heel of the hand should be positioned with fingers interlocked and arms straight, using body weight to compress the chest at least 2 inches in adults.

Which Greek God was shot in the heel of his foot?

Achilles, a Greek hero, was shot in the heel of his foot. This injury ultimately led to his downfall during the Trojan War.

Words of HEEL cm punk's shout after looking at his watch during entrance?

It's Clobberin' Time!

How do you use heel in a sentence?


What is the plural for heel?

The plural for heel is heels.

What the homophone for heel?

The homophone for "heel" is "heal."