Give you're men anti-vehicle weapons like missile launcher or lasercannon if you know to hit it
i dont can some one tell me how
Compare the advantages of Turret punch press and conventional punch press
combining a turret punch press machine, with a laser cutting machine into one to allow versatility in possible sheet metal cutting options. check out amada's new line of turret/punch combo machines
The Death Star uses a laser to destroy Alderaan.
The Death Star uses a laser to destroy Alderaan.
As soon as the game starts, go to the control panel and activate the force field. Then go to the left of the control panel and activate the laser turret. Doomsday will be trapped within the forcefield and be targeted by the laser turret. Go back and reactivate the forcefield before Doomsday moves away from the forcefield region then go back and activate the laser turret again. Repeat about 4 times until Doomsday is defeated. Good luck!
Laser avengers are called laser humvee's but laser humvee's are also called laser vehicles. Laser vehicles can destroy missiles, bombs, aircraft, aircraft drones, ships and other lands vehicles.
Red Turret Combos Where a red turret is the first to fire: Red + Green = Laser Rockets Red + Yellow = Tazer Rockets Red + Green + Blue = Poison Gas Rockets Red + Blue + Blue = Nuke Red + Red + Blue + Yellow = Napalm Rocket Green Turret Combos Where a green turret is the first to fire: Green + Red + Blue = BFG Green + Red + Red + Blue = Rocket BFG Blue Turret Combos Where a blue turret is the first to fire: Blue + Blue = Land Mine Blue + Red = Cluster bomb Blue + Red + Yellow = Sparky Cluster bomb Blue + Blue + Red = Big Landmine Blue + Blue + Yellow = Sparky Landmine Blue + Red + Red = Big Cluster Bomb Blue + Green + Red = Laser Cluster Bomb Blue + Green + Red + Red = Big Laser Cluster Bomb Blue + Blue + Red + Red = Big Cluster Bomb Landmine Blue + Blue + Green + Red + Red = Big Laser Cluster Bomb Landmine Yellow Turret Combos Where a yellow turret is the first to fire: Yellow + Red + Blue = Tazer BFG Yellow + Yellow + Yellow + Green = Black Hole Yellow + Yellow + Blue + Green = Shockwave
Airborne laser is a weapon developed by the US Military with Northrup Grumman. The laser is a high power (in kW region) and can be used to destroy vehicles and personnel.
Laser therapy is one means of treating varicose veins. The laser works to destroy and damage the vein. The laser closes the vein preventing it from spreading further.
Yes, lasers can destroy missiles even the missile is in flight the laser can still shoot it down.
Laser surgery is used to: Cut or destroy tissue that is abnormal or diseased without harming healthy, normal tissue; Shrink or destroy tumors and lesions; Cauterize (seal) blood vessels to prevent excessive bleeding.