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That means they don't live, they never lived, they will never live.

Or...They are not real

Well unicorns were said to have lived long ago. If you've herd the story of Noah's Ark it says in some versions that unicorns drowned because they didn't get on the ark but i dont think they exist im sorry love. :(

Unicorns are real, thair is a beetle called the Unicorn Beetle. It lives is south Amarica.

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Q: How can you find a unicorn?
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Were abouts could you find a unicorn?

Nowhere in reality, they are mythical(imaginary) creatures. ( the above is a LIE!! i have a unicorn in my backyard)

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The plot of the movie Charlie the Unicorn 3 is that Charlie the Unicorn goes to Candy Island to find his friends. A dedicated agent will be happy to help you find more information on their official website.

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Where can you buy the last winged unicorn?

you can find it at youtube

What type of poem is the unicorn?

Idk find out yourself