there are a number of secret weapons in re4. the infinite rocket launcher is the easiest. all you have to do is beat the game and have 1million dollars. the Tommy gun is the second easiest. all you have to do is beat assignment Ada. the prlx handcannon all you have to do is beat the game on professional. for the exploding pistol all you have to do is get 5 stars on every match
nothing will happen if you shoot all the paintings in re4 nothing will happen if you shoot all the paintings in re4
the person who made the weopons was the black smith.
You get the most awesome weapon in Re4. The Handcannon. Once upgraded fully it has unlimited ammo and will be as powerful as the Chicago Typewriter. One hit kill for all zombies!
Im pretty sure that there isn't one...
The Spear.
aye there is
depends on witch one, re4, re5 and code veronica have to be the longest games out of all
You can't.
spears, ect...
You can get it by saving your money and sell all your items if you wanted to. Or if upgrade all of your weapons and sell it and combined some items and sell it.