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You disable the ability Scan

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Q: How can you get the hp bars to not display in Kingdom of Hearts 2?
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How not to display hp bars in Kingdom of Hearts 2?

u CANT remove them at all!

In kingdom hearts how much HP does one bar hold?

If you mean for bosses, then it's 300 hp.

How do you get your enemy hp bar back in Kingdom Hearts 2 if it disappears?

Its impossible

How do you get your enemy hp in Kingdom Hearts 2?

go to abilities and equip scan

How do you get the hp bar on Kingdom Hearts 2?

you have to equip the move scan to show it

What is the highest health Sora can get in kingdom hearts 2?

120 HP is the highest.

How do you see the hp of heartless in kingdom hearts 1?

You must obtain the ability "Scan"

How do you show your enemies HP in Kingdom Hearts?

In Kingdom Hearts I, it is an ability:ScanAP: 1Location: learned at level 15 (Sword), 12 (Shield), 9 (Staff)Description: View an enemy's HP gauge during battle.It is also an ability in Kingdom Hearts II:ScanAP: 2Location: learned at level 4 (Sword), 4 (Shield), 4 (Staff)Description: View an enemy's HP guge during battle.Simple, right?

In Kingdom Hearts I how do you make the hp bar appear?

IF you mean the enemies you need to get the ability scan. if you mean sora's hp bar it should be there.

What is the max hp for Kingdom Hearts 2?

I don't know the number, but it reaches the end of your MP bar

How do you see enemy hp Kingdom of Hearts 2?

you have to level up unt il you get the ability 'scan,' then equip the ability.. thus will allow you to see enemy HP. (;

How do you get aquas hp long in kingdom hearts bbs?

You can make terra, ventus, and auqa's hp longer through command melding and recieving the ability hp boost. You can attach the ability up to three times.