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first of all if you havent worked for tom nook then they wont let you pay then if you have worked for him then something may have gone wrong with your game ):

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Q: How can you make your house bigger on Animal Crossing DS when the town hall won't let you pay your mortgage?
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What if you pay off your mortgage in animal crossing but you cant find a new room what happens then?

Once you pay of your mortgage, go to tom nook, speak to him he will he surprised and ask if you would like your house to be modified (bigger) say yes, then hell ask what color roof you want choose it, then the next day your house will be bigger but you have to pay of the mortgage for the bigger house then :(

How do you get a massive house on Animal Crossing?

To do this you have to pay of the mortgage for your house. Then, if you go to Tom Nook's shop he will talk to you about paying off your mortgage and you will be able to upgrade your house. This will come with a bigger mortgage. If you pay off this mortgage you will be able to upgrade again. You can repeat this cycle a few times until your house is fully upgraded. This may take a while.

Can you downsize your house in Animal Crossing City Folk?

no, it can only get bigger

How do you increase the size of your house in Animal Crossing Wild World?

To expand your house, you have to pay off your mortgage at the town hall.

Is there a 2 house mod for animal crossing wild world?

Once you pay off your mortgage yes.

Does animal crossing lets go to the city wii does the mortgage to upgrade all the houses?

No. When you pay the mortgage it upgrades your house and your house only! It wouldn't be fair if you paid for everyone elses house aswell!

How much mortgage do you need on animal crossing ds to expand your house?

however much it says at the town hall

What does the basement do in Animal Crossing?

The basement doesn't do anything- it is an upgrade in your house that gives you more storage room.

What do you say to phyllis on animal crossing to get a bigger house?

Pay your debt entirely, then go ask Tom Nook for a bigger house. Neither Pelly nor Phyllis are involved in this.

Can you get more rooms in animal crossing wild world by paying off your mortgage?

Yes, every time you completely pay off your mortgage, Tom updates your house. but a little after he gives you more mortgage to pay.

Where is pellys house on animal crossing?

Her house does not exist at this time in any Animal Crossing game .

Animal crossing wild world how 2 get a house?

Well, that's simple!!!!!!!!!!!! You restart your game. to get a bigger house, you need to pay off your loan.