No. It is an expansion pack that is only for the PC. *Taken from LOTR BFME website.
It is a free to play game. You just have to make a account on the website.
Rogash is a fictional troll chieftan of the North and only appears in the computer game, The Lord of the Rings: The Rise of the Witch-king. This is not unbelievable, it's just that Tolkien never mentioned a Rogash. In the Rise of the Witch-king, Rogash is won over by the Witch-king and he and his trolls help the Witch-king to destroy Arnor.
yes, you do
well if you get the lotro pack
£25 used on, probably a lot less (£10) on Ebay.
it is obviously the battle for middle earth 2 rise of the witch king expansion pack!
It's been out since at least 2008.
yes I do
In order to win The Rise of the Phoenix King on the Nickelodeon website, you have to play until Aang loses. The game goes on without end until that happens.