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The only way a NES would be worth a million dollars, would be if it were gold plated and studded with diamonds.

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Q: How can you tell the original Nintendo is worth a million dollars with the serial number?
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As a number: 1,150,000 = 1.15 million 1.15% of a million dollars is $11,500.

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As a number it is: 1,350,000 dollars

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A negative number is an opposite or reversal of a positive number. For example, if a million dollars is a lot of money to have, then it is also true that a million dollars is a lot of money to owe. If you reverse something twice, you return to the original state. So a negative times a negative (or a negative divided by a negative) is a positive. The opposite of the opposite is the original.

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5.77 million dollars is $5,770,000 written as a number.

How many Nintendo DS have been sold?

including the Nintendo ds lite and the Nintendo dsi, the number, id slightly above 100 million units

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