Not possible. U can like the other accounts artbooks looks and movies And give them wish list But u cant give them literal starcoins
By sending only the link from the source , but not downloading whole of the file.
You need iTunes to transfer anything to your iPod, so I would suggest getting that. I also would not suggest using Limewire because number one, downloading songs from Limewire is illegal and number two, there are MANY viruses on Limewire that can kill your computer.
You can try iPhone transfer app. at: It can transfer videos, music from iphone to computer
i believe it means that it downloading something like a update.
It'll most likely speed up.
To transfer (data or programs) from a server or host computer to one's own computer or device.
You'll need DSi points which you pay for at game stores, they come with a unique code which will transfer the points to your shop account. Downloading the data itself after that does not 'cost' anything as such, you need a wireless internet connection which someone will be paying for, but downloading things over it incurs no additional cost as per normal.
In file sharing you transfer files from another computer connected to internet. While in case of downloading you receive files from dedicated servers.
No. Downloading is when you receive data from the internet. If you have downloaded a song you can transfer it between any device you have without worrying about downloading over and over . To be clear you only download when receiving data through the internet. Taking a CD and transferring it to your computer then your I Phone is also not downloading.
transfer file between two computers
If the song is copyrighted and you don't own it, then downloading it (for free) via torrent is illegal.