Just go to the screen that says "press start" and put the cheats in. you should here a sound.
The Need for Speed Most Wanted Trainer is an add-on to the game. To use it, it must first be paid for and downloaded. Secondly, it must begin running before the Need for Speed game begins.
i think the password is nfsu2!
easy click cheats and get your cheats
No its your choice to use cheats or not, so if someone says your not suposed to there wrong you can use cheats if you want.
You can't. You can only do it to the iPhone 4g and the Droid.
can u use cheats on wwe allstars demo
There are different sites you can use to get cheats for zoo tycoon. There are many people that do use zootycooncheats to get cheats for that game.
Lots of people use cheats. I haven't found many cheats, but the only one i have i use a lot.
there are no cheats for this game
You can only use cheats when replaying a memory. so when replaying a memory, press start, go into options, and it will say cheats go into cheats and select the cheats you want
There are no cheats in Naruto-arena.
There are currently NO Weeworld cheats.