In Professor Layton and the curious village they find that Flora is the golden apple.
Flora Reinhold is the tritagonist of the first trilogy of the Professor Layton series. She is the only child of the late Baron Augustus Reinhold and the late Lady Violet Reinhold, as well as the heiress of the family fortune and St. Mystere.
Luke Triton, The assistant to Professor Layton, he accompanies the Professor, solving all the puzzles and mysteries.
In Professor Layton, Luke is Professor Layton's apprentice/assistant. He goes with Layton everywhere. His father [Clark Triton] is collage friends with Layton so that's how they met. Also Luke is professor Layton's friend (professor layton says so in the lost future).
Professor Layton and Luke Triton are not related, Layton is a friend of Luke's father, Clark Triton and Mother Brenda Triton. Professor Layton liked Luke's attitude to mysteries so invited him to be his apprentice.
No. Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel (renamed the Unwound Future) is not the last Professor Layton game. After, there's going to be at least three prequels about when Luke and Layton meet with Layton's female assistant Remi Alvata.
Luke is Professor Layton's Apprentice, he's very good at puzzle solving.
Luke Triton - Relationships. Mother - Brenda Triton Father - Clark Triton. Sibling's - Unknown? Home Town - Mist Harley. Hair Colour - Brunette. Luke has been in Professor Layton and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Diabolical/Pandora's Box. Luke is also in: Professor Layton 3 and is due to make appearances in Professor Layton 4.
Maybe he wants a trip? Who cares? Its just an animated game, in case you didn't know its all fake... Luke travels with Professor Layton because he is Professor Layton's apprentice and wants to solve puzzles with him.
Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of how Luke became Professor Layton's apprentice.
No, they're not even related. To see why watch videos from Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute.
Professor Layton's apprentice is the young Luke Triton, Luke's Father is: Clark Triton and his Mother is: Brenda Triton..Luke's Home Town is: Mist Harely, Occupation: Assistant and Apprentice to Professor Layton.
Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call (Professor Layton and the Last Specter in the US) is out now in the UK. However, it isn't a sequel to the other games but it's a prequel and basically tells the story of how Layton and Luke meet (I think). You can buy it on Amazon for about £30 - quite expensive, but it is a new release!