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Q: How do install mcedit?
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How do you install MCedit on your minecraft mac os x?

To install MCEdito on your Minecraft Mac OSX you have to download the program from the appropriate website and then follow the instructions on your screen.

Is there a minecraft pocket edition app like MCEdit?

No but you can use mcedit with pocket edition hope this helps!

How do you open mcedit?

inch by inch you'll make it closer

Can you spawn lions in Minecraft?

Only is you have Mo' Creatures and (MCEdit?) installed.

How do you use MCedit in Minecraft for multiplayer?

Shut down your server. Then open McEdit and open the level.dat in your server's world folder, just the same as if you were opening a level in your saves folder for single player maps.

Is there a flatland minecraft seed?

No, yo need MCedit to make a flat area.

Where can you download a free map editor for Minecraft?

Try MCedit. See the link below.

How do you put buildings in Minecraft you download in Minecraft?

Try using a map editor, like MCEdit.

What kind of mob does the mob spawner spawn on minecraft?

Mob spawners can spawn several mobs. Currently, they only spawn zombies, skeletons, spiders, and cave spiders. If you are using a mod, or MCedit, you can change them to whatever mob you want! There should also be a steve mob on MCedit.

How can you edit your minecraft world in your server that you transfered from your single player?

You can use a world editing program like MCedit.

How do you transfer a world in mcedit to minecraft. you make a map in mcedit but you are unable to acess it in minecraft. please help?

If you have mc then find the saves folder and save it there. And better yet just edit one of those maps, make one in mc then search and find it the edit. Live long and prepare...for Maxwell5050.

Why won't MCedit save player moves?

Make sure you hit Ctrl and S. If that doesnt work then i don't know what will.