Here is a guide to making flags and sail emblems for Sid Meier's Pirates!
download sids mears pirates
It's the "ship of the line"
:)):):);)spongebob and patrik ufgbvsgvskbnaeh awrbhgfawjviwb vsjvbvbwsbch
It's simple my friend... Just don't cheat!
The question is very vague, more specifics are required You need a PC, you need to make sure it is fast enough, you need to put in the disk, and allow the autorun to take you through the steps
Apply the XP patch available from the official website. Worked OK for me after that.
You must buy the game, otherwise it is illegal. Hey, whoever posted that -- get off your high horse. I'm looking at a properly bought pair of CDs and the original packaging -- they key isn't anywhere on either of them. Where the heck is it?
You have to do a small variation in a ".ini" file to make it work. You only have to change a "0" for a "1". Go to the official page of sid meiers alpha centauri and there you will found the exact procedure to do it.
yes because if you are Roman/ceaser or Germany/Bismarck war and exploration are going to be spy's are everywarefor Bismarck's team.
Yes it is it crashes somtimes though
The cotton sails upgrade in 'Sid Meier's Pirates!' increases the speed of your ship. This is useful for trying to reach an enemy ship in a battle to ram them or to reach a destination quickly.