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Trade in good pokemon.

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Q: How do you beat Pokemon trainer red?
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How do you beat trainer red?

use high level Pokemon

What to do after you beat Trainer Red?

you hit the Pokemon c and control r l

How many times can you beat trainer red in Pokemon soul silver?


Is red the best Pokemon trainer in the games?

he is until you beat him if ur going to try to beat him his pokemon are level 80 and up

What Pokemon to use against Pokemon Trainer Red in Pokemon Soul Silver?

you have to use a level 100 if you want to be SURE to beat Red

What do you do when you beat Pokemon trainer red in Pokemon soul silver?

you go to pallat town and go to prof.oak and get a Pokemon

Where do you get the red orb in SoulSilver?

If you beat trainer red go to Mr Pokemon's house and he will give you a red orb.

What are the best Pokemon to beat Pokemon trainer red in Pokemon heart gold?

Any Pokemon 70+. RED'S Pokemon are Pikachu Blastoise Snorlax Lapras Charizard Venusaur

What Pokemon should i use to beat trainer red on soul silver?

LV.100 Rayquaza

How do you find Pokemon trainer trophy on super smash brothers brawl?

Beat clasic mode as the Pokemon Trainer to get the Pokemon Trainer trophy.

What do you do once you have deveted all16 gyms on Pokemon HeartGold?

GO to the top of mount silver and beat trainer red

What do you do after you beat Pokemon trainer red and the elite four and the champion and got starter Pokemon?

complete pokedex,get black trainer card,get all legandarie Pokemon even from platinum,and get all youre 3 starter Pokemon to lv 100 :)