yes I am the person who wrote this, can someone please leave more detail and a comment? its good but if you switch out either empolean or swampert for a fire to help out garcomp with ice attacks and evolve grovyle
If it is Rival's Grovyle, evolve your starter a lot.
by hacking
treecko: grovyle sceptile, torchic: combusken blaziken, mudkip: marshtomp swampert just get one starter in the beginning of the game trade with friends
you would have a advantage if you have swampert if you dont like swampert get any of the types i wrote ground,rock or water types
swampert altaria breloom camarupt raquiza flygon this is my team and I've beat the game no that's rubbish try swampert/absol/breloom/camerupt/salamence/armaldo
The starter Pokemon for Emerald are Torchic, Mudkip, and Treecko. Their second stages are Combusken, Marshtomp, and Grovyle. Their final evolutions are Blaziken, Swampert, and Sceptile.
Torchic ---- fire type. Evolves into Combusken and then Blaziken. Treecko ---- grass type. Evoles into Grovyle and then Sceptile. Mudkip ---- water type. Evoles into Marshtomp and then Swampert.
Treecko evolves into Grovyle at level 16. Then, it evolves into Sceptile at level 36. Same goes for Torchic - Combusken - Blaziken and Mudkip - Marshtomp - Swampert.
Groudoun swampert at a high level
You don't. You go out and catch more pokemon.