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easy keep attacking and dodgeing

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U cant

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Q: How do you beat axel in kh2 with one keyblade?
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Does axel have a keyblade?

Yes, Axel does have a keyblade but he doesn't have one (lea does) he revealed this after the epilogue, (everyone was freaked out even riku and yen master Sid :))

Is oathekeeper and oblivion the best keyblade?

It's very well one of the fastest in KH2 and KH358/2D. In 358/2, definitely yes, but in KH2, it'd be more up to you.

When will Kingdom Hearts 3 be out?

KH3 Is Non-Existant, It May Come Out, But The Secret Ending For KH2 The One With The Keyblade Warriors, That Was To Bring Birth By Sleep Into The Scene.

How do you get the keyblade one winged angle in kindgom hearts?

You Beat Sephiroth

Why in KH2 does Sora do that unique quick pivot and backhand-like motion with his Keyblade in order to block instead of simply brandishing his Keyblade forward to block like he did in KH1?

because the producers wanted a completely new style for sora and they thought the first one was lame

How do you be a heartless in Kingdom Hearts?

well you beat one with the keyblade. the only time you become one is near the end

How do you beat the Heartless in the first Kingdom Hearts?

The question isn't very descriptive; to defeat any Heartless, all you have to do is attack them with the Keyblade.

What is the molecular formula of KH2?

The molecular formula of KH2 is KH2 is the chemical formula for potassium dihydrogen. It consists of one potassium atom (K) and two hydrogen atoms (H).

Is there anywhere where you can buy a keyblade?

you cant buy one but you can synthisys for the ultimate keyblade

Can you get a keyblade?

You would have to buy one.

Why does Jiminy have two journals in Kingdom Hearts?

He has one journal for KH1, and one for KH2.

How do you get the Fatal Crest keyblade?

Keyblades are not something you "get." instead, they must be bestowed upon you by another Keyblade Weilder. Then, your Keyblade will come as summoned if it sensed strength in your heart, dark or light.... It if youre looking to buy one, check eBay.