Oh, dude, beating the Island Beast in Chibi Knight is like, totally easy! You just gotta keep attacking it while dodging its moves, ya know? Make sure to use your special abilities wisely and stay focused, and you'll take down that beast in no time. Good luck, my fellow chibi knight!
beat the beast and let the knight join your journey
When you beat a planet (jungle, fire, ice), the space knight there goes with you. Sir Peleas is outside the door to the lair of the Fire Beast (robot dragon) and gives you the Ice Arrow to use against it.
Fix the saucer, beat the three planets, and defeat the Binary Bard.
You have to beat all the 3 planets after you get the new spaceship from the Pewter Moon, then go to the asteroid city, and beat Mordred. You will automatically go back to the castle back at Arturus.
if you don't talk to the princess just press on the door but if already talked to her you have to look up a walkthrough
u talk to the knight and get ice and climb the chains and get behind dragon then click lever on dragon (unless dragon is spitting fire) then shoot ice in dragon's mouth (3X) then the knight will come with u for rest of island. :D :) :P
wolverine would beat beast no questions asked.
Go to Knight's Passage after you beat King Arthur for the second time and do the Beat the Clock mission.
with an other crystal beast deck!
Very carefully
The EA pair has a long E sound, as in beat and least.
you get a powerful knight if you beat the yeti you get a stone golum if you beat the golum boss.