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Q: How do you beat muk in Pokemon explorers of sky?
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Beat Articuno in Pokemon explorers of sky won't join why?

It may take several attempts to recruit legendary Pokemon in Explorers of Sky.

How do you beat Pokemon explorers of sky?

ask for ice beam then link it to bubble

Who was the 1st person in America to beat Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

Tristin F. was the first person im America to beat Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky. She beat it on Jan. 1, 2010, only a week after she got the game.

What is the highest rank after you practically beat the game on Pokemon Explorers of Sky?

Lucario Rank.

In Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky how do get to battle Darkrai after you beat Regigigas?

dont no

What levels are recommended to beat temporal tower in Pokemon explorers of sky?

High ones ;)

In Pokemon explorers of sky where can you recruit ice type Pokemon?

crevice cave and blizzard island, after you beat dialga

How do you unlock spring cave in Pokemon mystery dungeons explorers of sky?

You have to beat chapter 13

When do you battle Darkrai in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

You have to beat the game to battle darkrai.

What are all the places on Pokemon explorers of sky?

i do not have explorers of sky

What do you do after you have climbed to the top of Shamin Mounation in Pokemon Mystery Dongen Explorers of Sky?

you fight a group of Muk and Grimer that are actually pretty hard. Be prepared. try and get the move Discharge if you can.

How do you beat Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of the sky?

to complete Explorers of Sky, you need to defeat Darkrai (with Cressilia on your team) in dark crater after defeating Palkia in the spacial rift.