You have to get Sarwat to give p and after he gives up you restrain him that's how you beat that level
R1,r1,l1,l2,l1,x,x,o,triangle............ Now for this to work you must beat the game first.... Sorry...
The way people beat baby harp seals is usually shoooting them or clubbing them over the head. And it is not just baby seals it is any seal of any kind. It is illegal.
yes i did and then they gave me 10,000$ because i beat that level if you do that level and beat it you will be rich
A beat level is another term for the musical beat or meter of a piece.
You beat every level until you beat the last level.
how do you beat collapse on this is the only level
how do you beat level 12
how do you beat level 12
how to beat level 40 in BLYM
how to beat level 32 40x