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get ur k/d ratio to at least 1.32

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Q: How do you become a race rescuer on plazma burst 2?
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What are the ranks in plazma burst 2?

Newbie Marine Advanced Marine Professional Elimination Master Race Rescuer PROmoted Immortal (Real Rank)

How do you become a god in plazma burst 2?

Sometimes, like often in gunshops (But not limited to), are the only places you can become god. To do this, you must either be the first at the map, or connect as the god leaves. Then you will take his place.

What are the plazma burst 2 rankings?

The ranks are: Newbie,Marine, Advanced marine, Professional, Elimination master, Race rescuer ,PROmoted and Immortal To get the PROmoted rank you need an equal or bigger k/d than 1.5 PROmoted is the best rank except the Immortal in which you have to get very few deaths and lots of kills the difference would be like 30 kills 0 deaths...60 kills 1 deaths... Answer by: ~AsdfgAsdfg67~

What are the ranks in plazma burst multiplayer?

First: Newbie Second: Marine Third: Advanced Marine Fourth: Professional Fifth: Elimination Master Sixth: Race Rescuer Last: PROmoted. How to rank up? Kill more, get less deaths. For you example: Your kills: 1235. Your deaths: 500, which will give you the rank PROmoted. Bonus KD Rank: Immortal. How to achieve Immortal rank: Get 0 Deaths and kill above 30. For example: Kills: 30. Deaths: 0

Can the heart of a race horse burst if pushed to hard?

Yes, the heart of a horse CAN burst if it is pushed too hard. If you have seen the movie Secretariat, the horse Secretariat's jockey, Ronnie, pushes too hard in a race and its heart bursts. This is a true story of a race horse.

Should you take honey before a race?

Taking honey before a race can give you a quick burst of energy. However, you can have a slump afterward as your blood sugar plummets.

How many driving experience days do I need to become a speed race driver?

I dont think your driving experience days qualify you to become a speed race car driver. First you would have to get special training in race car driving in order to become a professional race car driver.

Where can I learn how to become a race car driver?

To become a race car driver, first you need to figure out what type of race car driving you would like to pursue. Then you need to get experience and start working as a part of a race car team.

Can you become a race driver if you have amblyopia?

Yes, you can.

How much do GrandAm race drivers get paid?

err sorry to burst your bubble, but they are all paying to drive in one way or another, almost all of them.

Is there anyway to become a Saiyan?

No. A saiyan is a kind of race.

How did Al Sharpton become famous?

Race bating.