wait until night time. then activate the boolprop cheat ctrl shift c type - boolprop testingcheatsenabled trueenter.
then shift and click on character more... make vampire. i can only get it to work at night. hope i helped :)
if you invite over grand vampire he wont turn you into a vampire, also he just looks like a normal guy :/ have fun!!
If you have Pets installed, then wait for the brown dog with glowing yellow eyes to appear at night at your sim's house. If you befriend it, it will eventually bite your sim and turn them into a Lycan. Having a lot of trees and/or newborns on your lot increases the chances of the wolf dog appearing.
You have to have sims 2 night life to become a vampire.
On the sims 2 apartment life you can meet people and have your own apartment.You can also become a witch/worlock on it to.
You need apartment life to become a witch.
Only with game mods.
The sims 2 apartment life is NOT for PS2.
no, you can only become a vampire if you have the sims 2 Nightlife for the PC
yes you can in a way. You can buy the sims 2 pets and apartment life and you can put them together by mushing them and there you have it. that's how you get sims 2 pets in sims 2 apartment life.
You have to have the sims 2 apartment life in order to become a witch. If you have it, you must befriend a witch, and if you have a high enough relationship (friend) you can go under ask, then give gift of power or something. Good luck!
in the sims 3, your sims can not become vampires.
It is! There is also regular Sims 2, Sims 2 Pets, and Sims 2 Apartment Life with Pets!
No, not without the help of cheats. Hope this helps! :D
No. You can only be a vampire if you get the sims 3 Late Night.