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You can't, however most systems have a parental lock on them so that you can prevent children from playing games that are too violent, graphic, suggestive, or too full of language for them.

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Q: How do you block language on video games?
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Related questions

What does language have to do with video games?

There are games that have to do with language

What is an uncensored video?

A video that doesn't sensor/block nudity, bad language or extremely violent scene's.

What kind of codes are used for video games?

The language that is used for video games is called C++

What video games have foul language?

Games rated mature (10 and up).

Is there a way to block foul language out of a movie?

In Windows Movie Maker, you can Split away the section that contains the foul language and Mute its audio properties. That's the only way to block the language yet retain the video portion.

Is video games bad for you?

They do tend to cause a decrease in language proficiency.

Are there video games that help teach a second language?

I am not aware of any video game that can teach a new language other than computer games. Rosetta stone is a highly recommended product to learn a second language in fact its the worlds number one language learning software.

Is there too much inappropriate language in video games?

Yes there is way to much

Why are school against video game?

Not all school are against video games. But we all know that many school block video games. This is because on the previous times, video games are considered as a factor that blocks and interrupts the normal way of studying of a student in a school. But according to WebMD, video games can help greatly in improving critical thinking skills.

How many video games have bad language?

see how many games for 12's,15's and 18's

Can you block out bad words in video games?

It's possible in some games through an in-game menu, if the option to do so cannot be found your out of luck

Were can you get a Wii?

GameStop, Block Busters, Ect. Any place tha sells video games they will probably sell them