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The "Runaway Robot" costume is for sale at the Poptropica store.

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13y ago

use the molded chese from the secret passage

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Q: How do you cach the robot mouse on poptropica?
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What do you do with the robot mouse in astro-knight in poptropica?

feed it to the robot owl

Why isn't the robot mouse in the princess's room poptropica?

The mouse is not in the Princess's room. It is in the room of the Princess's maid.

How do you chatch the robot owl on poptropica?

Chase it out of the cave/Mordreds lab and then set the mouse free.

When the robot owl comes out the room how do you get it in poptropica at astro-knights?

Find the old cheese. . Give the cheese to the mouse and give the mouse to the owl.

How do you control the owl on poptropica?

you let go of the of the robot mouse and he will eat it =...( and then he will follow you and obey you and is like you will control it!!!yay!!!

How you get the robot owl to follow you in poptropica?

Catch the robot mouse with moldy cheese. Get the small key and open the door between the two hay stacks. Click on the owl the owl will get scared and fly away. release the robot mouse outside. the owl will eat it and follow you.

How do you release the robot rat in poptropica?

you just go to your items and press release where you see it under the picture of the mouse. IN YOUR ITEMS!

How do you cache the robot mouse?

Get the moldy cheese and use it in the room with the robot mouse.

How do you get into the cell where the captured robot is on poptropica?

go to a secret room underground (there is an machenical owl there). Plow through the wall and go to hole in the wall. robot self destructs. figure the rest out. (hint: it does something with the mouse.)

What do you do with the robot mouse?

If you have the robot mouse already then meet the robot owl down the mill after you have met the robot owl he will fly away (if you click it). then you will see the owl near the mill after that release the robot mouse then the owl will chase it automatically the owl gets the mouse then when the owl got the mouse already the owl will go to you and your character will say I think i got a new friend

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