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It is in Kanto. On the fourth time you meet it you battle it.

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Q: How do you capture Suicine?
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What level is suicine in heartgold?

suicine is level 40.

Can you catch suicine without a master ball?

yes, i caught suicine with a friend ball!

How do you capture the three legends on Pokemon Ranger?

you first capture raikou so use a donphan poke assist. on suicine use your partner pokemons assist and you capture it easily. and finally ..... entei to capture it you must first circle it until the flames go don't use a poke assist yet when the flames are gone use a water assist and entei will be yours

What type is suicine?


How do you catch suicine in Pokemon diamond?

You find suicine in the cave where Diaogla was after you beat the elite 4 but it is very rare.

Where is suicine?

Get your starter as a CHARMANDER and you will find it in the wild.

Is there a Pokemon called Suicide?

no, but there is one called suicine

How do you catch suicine on Pokemon FireRed?

you dont. its not in that game.

What do you do after beating suicine in HeartGold? happy!:D

Where can you find a suicine in Pokemon platinum before the nationdex?

you cant

How do you get suicine in Pokemon pearl?

transfer it from the pal park or trade from hgss.

Where Do You Catch Suicine In Firered?

You have to have chosen Charmander as your starter, then it appears randomly when you have the national dex.