Without hacking the game, you cannot change your character appearance.
well the main character should hve hints of appearance throughout the story. Foil
The word for "to change" is "transform," meaning to make a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character.
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met·a·mor·pho·sis-- >.< --
YES,Lizard has an incomplete metamorphosis.(no change of form,appearance & character.
It is not officially possible to change your character's full appearance in-game. There are some mods that alter textures, but using them is often seen as a bannable offense.If you do not like your character's appearance, there are two things to try:The barber shop in every major city will be able to change your (facial) hair style and accessories for a moderate fee.Blizzard offers a paid option for character re-customization, allowing you to change your entire appearance and even gender. This is also included in the faction-change option, of course.Other than that, the only option you have is to reroll a new character.
Species in Star Wars Galaxies cannot be changed after character creation. Once you have chosen a species for your character, it is permanent for that character.
Dawnguard adds someone into the Ragged Flagon tavern, at the thieves guild in Riften. She can change your appearance for 1000 gold. Your gender and race are locked in, but you can change everything else.
it depends on if you want to change your face and hair. if you want to do that then click on change appearance at the top if the yoville screen.
No. There isn't way to change the appearance of your character in any way.