go to the cheat mode and do "boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" and then hold shift and click on your sim. Then click "spawn" when you click on spawn it will have some choices press more until you find "sim modder" then a standing baby then click on it and it will say "set age" and many more click on "set age" and it will give you 5 choices "toddler, child, teen, adult, and elder" and then click which one you want. -coolpang15
cant put in security code on stereo as message only says wait have tried for 2 weeks still says wait on screen
apparently everybody says you cant so.... YOU CANT
Go to Roblox On Solo or Build. Go up To View And select "Explorer." Then Go To Teams. And Find The Spawn That You want to change, ex. A Red spawn would say "Red Team" And A Blue One Would Say "Blue Team." Once you Are There Click The Spawn Twice (Can't be a neutral Spawn) Until it turns blue or you can Change The Name of The Spawn And Change The Spawn Name To What You Want. Simple! ~ Christsfollower
If you are using Build Mode Click 6 then the paint brush and choose what color you wont. If you are using edit (in roblox studios) have properties and explorer opened. Click Spawn(I forgot what it says, just find a name with spawn in it.) in the explorer then in the properties click Were it says spawn color then change it to what ever you wont it to be.
no you cant my sister and i tried it if someone says that you can then they are LYING!
you cant i tried but after you beat dialga you go to a lake and it says seince you beat dialga and fixed time you cant sorry you cant and my spelling
every one says yes you can but its hard to remember so they cant tell me.ive also tried it in as many ways as i can but i cant do it so i guess its not possible.
Sorry i meant that it can see the network but cant connect to it
u cant i tried it wont work but if u want a new password go to logg out and it says email me a new pasword
When you are about to start the forge, choose where is says "Basic Editing" and change it to invasion. Start the game. Once you do, all of the forge options in-game will change to invasion-type objectives when you spawn them.
u cant change it once it says that,that is what ur website name is
Hold X while hovering over the spawn point(s). When you see something that says: Team (or somethin' like that) - Neutral, hit A. You can change the Neutral bit to Defenders or Attackers, along with 6 other possible teams. Make sure that you change the gametype from the Start Menu and change to Infection so that you can also add in Starting Points for the Human and Zombies as well.