Make sure you have any filled soul gem that is higher than a petty soul gem, go to your weapons, highlight the axe and press RB. That goes for any other enchanted weapon/armor. If you have the game for PC, it should tell you which button to push in your list of options that you can do with the weapon/armour.
You cannot the Charges that it has when it is given to you from the Jarl is the max.
The Bannered Mare Inn in Whiterun.
Right by the pet shop in Whiterun.
Look on your map smart stuff
It's right next to the stables.
Go to the companions in Whiterun and do all there quests they will offer to turn you
The nine holds of Skyrim are; Eastmarch (Windhelm) Falkreath Hold (Falkreath) Haafingar (Solitude) Hjaalmarch (Morthal) The Pale (Dawnstar) The Reach (Markarth) The Rift (Riften) Whiterun Hold (Whiterun) Winterhold (Winterhold)
Whiterun, it's the Companions meadhall, Jorrvaskr.
You have to go to the Companions in Whiterun. After a few quests they will turn you into a werewolf.
In Jorvaskr on the east side of the city's Residential district.
just type coc whiterun or riverwood your choice
Go to a blacksmith forge, i like to use the one in Whiterun which is to the right of the main gate.