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It depends on whether or not it's a USB or Bluetooth headset.

For Bluetooth, you need to link it via the "Manage Bluetooth Devices" menu under Accessories on the XMB. Each device has its own linking procedure, so you'll need to read the instructions for your headset. After it's linked, go to Accessories, then Audio Device Settings. Go to Input Device, and click/scroll until you find yours (if it's not already shown). Same for Output Device. .

For USB's, plug it in, restart (or start), then go to Accessories, then Audio Device Settings. Go to Input Device, and click/scroll until you find yours (if it's not already shown). Same for Output Device.

Set your mike level to 4 or 5, then click OK to save.

If you've already got your mike setup via BT link and it's still not working, you'll need to make sure the proper ports are open/triggered for the PS3 and PSN. If you're not sure, follow the link to my long post on the subject at the PS3 Forums. For MW2, there are specific ports that need to be added a well, and they're different from COD4/5. Settings are:


*Note: Make sure to enable these TCP/UDP ports in BOTH directions (i.e, for Routers that have TCP, UDP, and Both for settings, set them to Both. If your Router doesn't have that type of setting, set the Port to either TCP or UDP as indicated, and enable the pass-through in both directions (full duplex))

TCP Ports: 10070 - 10080 UDP Ports: 10070 Voice Chat: UDP 6000-7000, 10070 (for headset operation) Remote Play via Access Point: TCP 9293

PLAYSTATION Network: TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223 UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658

Call of Duty - MW2 Router Ports

TCP 27014-27050 UDP 1500, 3005, 3101, 27000-27030, 28960

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13y ago

you need to specify which system you are using the headset on b4 asking the question, idiot

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Q: How do you connect your headset to modern warfare 2?
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