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go to build mode, and you will see a graphic of a pool. Click it! Then you click and drag where you want the pool to be

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Q: How do you create a swimming pool in Sims 3?
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Can you get a swimming pool on the sims 3?

You can on PC, but I don't think you can on the Wii.

How does a sim get a pool on Sims 3?

Go to Build Mode and click Create Pool.

Can you buy swimming pools on sims 3 wii?

Gibt es bei die sims 3 wii einen Pool zum bauen

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Diving boards in The Sims 3 are located in Build Mode, under the swimming pools category where the ladder and the pool lights are.

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No, but you can buy the sims 2 platform then the sims 2 seasons expansions back and there you have it! Even though the quality is not as good but seasons on sims 3 may come in the near future :)

How do you make a pool on sims 3 for wii?

Well,you actually cant make a pool on Sims 3 for Wii. Try XBox,or PC They have pools for Sims 3

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How do you drown The Sims on 2 The Sims game?

You buy / create a swimming pool with a pool ladder. Then when the victim cough, cough I mean sim starts to swim, go back into buy / build mode and take out the step ladder. They should drown in 1-3 days as their hunger and tired level goes red. Then sit back and relax as you watch your sim suffer and die.

How do you get your sims nude on The Sims 3?

As you might know, Sims cannot be completely nude. They go all, y'know, fuzzy. Anyway, the nude-est they can get is in the shower, bath, or skinny dipping in a hot tub or swimming pool. Sometimes you can steal someone's clothes while they are in the pool and they have to walk around "in the nude." :P

How makes you a pool in the sims 3 for wii?

Unfortunatly, you cannot make a pool in the sims 3 for wii. Sorry! Although, you can on the PC version.

What are ways to kill sims on The Sims 3?

There are 23 different ways to kill a sim. To read about them, follow the related link below. Drowning sims is always a favourite. If you have a pool, make your sim go swimming, then either block or remove the stairs that lead out of the pool. Your sim will lose energy, fall asleep and drown.

How do you get a pool on Sims 3 ambitions?

If you are talking about Sims 3 ambitions on an ipod then you can't :( Sorry