To create a world, you have to go on The Sims 3 website. On the website, there are those buttons at the top. Hover over the "Free Stuff" Section, and Create a World should come up. Click on it and it'll show you the page. It's free to download, so that's good. You could have a hard time though creating a world depending on your computer. Hope this Helps. :)
you download the create a world app on the sims 3 websight go to free and it should be there
To create a neighborhood, you must download the create-a-world tool for The Sims 3. See the download link below.
I Install The Sims 3 Create A World And It Crasher All The Time Can Some One Help Me To Fix
Make one with paint or what ever you have.
None, but if you have a PC, you can download ''create a world'' on the Sims
have to become a member
how can i create a account on Sims 3 ambition's
yes, some come with expansion packs and some you can download for free from the sims 3 exchange. You can even create your own by downloading the create a world tool from the sims
a new thing will be coming out soon called "create a world" on the sims 3. i think it talks about it on wikapedia.
You have to press the < and > buttons to rotate in Create A World. Hope this helps :)
I don't think you can have an aeroplane on The Sims 3 but if you join The Sims 3 Website you can download something called The Sims 3 Create - a - World. This is what the sims team use to make neighbourhoods and on there it says you can add an airport to the neighbourhood but it won't let me do it. Ithink i have to do something to get it.