I know it's a pain, but go back all the way to treasure town(trust me, it's the only way)keep on going on sentry duty if you are able to, because if you do you will be able to get reviver seeds as rewards and if you can't, just get as many reviver seeds as you can by some way and check on the kecleon shop every day to see if they have any in stock. I you or your partner can learn dig then teach it to them! This will be sure to make you win. When you have got at least 7 reviver seeds go back to temporal tower and battle dialga with only dig and you should defeat him!☺(If you are prepared to and want to, go back when you have defeated him and defeat him again so he will join your team!)
I have sky and I beat dialga when my partner used shadow ball and he was defeated also bring lots of reviver seeds
You cannot get Primal Dialga in Pokemon Diamond, only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness.
Primal Dialga is the evil form of Dialga, and can only be seen in Pokemon Explorers of Time or Pokemon Explorers of Darkness. Primal Dialga looks just a little different than the original Dialga. Don't forget he can be found in Pokemon Explorers of Sky as well. He turns evil when time appears to stop. But after you defeat him, he will just fall on the floor (wtf?) but that will give you enough time to fix time, then he will become regular dialga. You can visit him again later to catch him, but i forget how. Also, there is no way to change dialga into primal dialga after you catch him.
No Dialga is in pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time & darkness
Primal(dark)dialga=747HP Dialga(normal)=641HP and yet normal dialga is much harder...
Yes 'cause I have both Dialga an Palkia!
uxie groudon mesprite azelf and dialga
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Some legendary Pokemon found in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time include Dialga, Regigigas, Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie.
No. None of the future pokemon disappear except for Primal Dialga, who is replaced with a good Dialga.
For a complete, step-by-step process of what to do after you beat Dialga, go to www.en.wikipedia.com and type in explorers of darkness in the search box.