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1. Beat Jaguar

2. Jump off tree house

3. Jump into tree

4. Slide

5. Go in tent

6. Find Slides for movie projector

7. Use movie projector

8. Go outside

9. Go to hippo's lagoon

10. Go swing on vines

11. Go to vines 2

12. Go to tree house

13. Go to tent

14. Go outside tent

15. Battle heartless

16. Help gorillas from heartless (Talk to Jane for hints)

17. Go to tent

18. Go to Vines 2

19. Go to Climbing trees(clinb the ivy)

20. Attack the fruit

21. Go to Bamboo Thickit

22. Boss Battle(good luck HE HAS A GUN)

I think i got mixed up though oh well........

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14y ago
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14y ago

get under it and *"bounce it" till it gives you a reward

* hit it with the keyblade, get under it and repeat

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