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Have the hidden blade selected, and make sure you're holding the block button. it's the same as countering with any other weapon, but you need to press the counter button almost right before the attack hits you. You can't press it as early as the longer blades allow you to. however, if you are successful, you will automatically kill any enemy except a boss, and even with the bosses you still might kill them.

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You can't counter attack online. Instead, you stun them by pressing the B button (Xbox 360) or the circle button (PS3).

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Q: How do you do a counter attack with the hidden blade on assassins creed?
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Hi At the beginning before the villa attack you have matching vambraces and 2 hidden blades but after the attack a cannonball breaks a vambrace and blade so you only have one of each. Later in the game you meet leonardo de vinche which you can purchase a second hidden blade again and at any blacksmith after you have the hidden blade you can purchase the second vambrace again but when only you have the second hidden blade.

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In Assassins Creed 2 Ezio is now equipped with dual hidden blades. Double assassinations are now possible.

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Yes there is a hidden blade on assassins creed 2 Leonardo da vinci fixes it for u it was ezio's father hidden blade. later through the game you will getanother hidden blade

How do you defeat al mualim in assassins creed?

when he starts to fight you you need to kill the guys first after you killed them you got to fight all lot of illusions of al mualim. when your done you fight him. when he tries to hit you do the counter attack. keep repeating can hit him with your swords if you want to. -not M4est411 Another way to kill Al Mualim that is more risky is to counter him with your hidden blade, this will immediately knock him on the ground where you may then finish him off by using the hidden blade on him while he's on the ground. P.S. ONLY USE THIS TECHNIQUE IF YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR SKILL OF COUNTER ATTACKS, THE HIDDEN BLADE CANNOT BLOCK (until AC2) BUT WILL INSTANLY KILL ANY TARGET THAT IS ATTACKING YOU, EVEN TEMPLARS AND BOSSES IF YOU ARE SKILLED ENOUGH TO COUNTER THEIR ATTACKS -M4est411

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He has a new type of hidden blade. In this version, the blade section come off and can be used as a dagger or hunting knife ( as you know Connor Kenway is half native American and hunts and such so you can see why he would has this variation of the Hidden Blade

Will you be able to use rifles in assassins creed brotherhood?

No. But you have the crossbow feature in addition to your hidden blade pistol.

What are all of the weapons you can get in assassins creed?

In the original Assassin's Creed: -Sword -Short Blade -Hidden Blade -Throwing Knives -Apple of Eden -Fists

Weapons in assassins creed 1?

-The Sword of Altair -Throwing Knives -Dagger -Studded Gloves -Hidden Blade

How do you get the hidden blade armor plates in assassins creed brother hood?

Buy them from a Fabbro (armoury) when they're unlocked.