The rising uppercut is a move of Jin Kazama and Devil Jin. The rising uppercut is a default attack and deals the same damage on normal or critical hit. The hit is mid range so you can hit the enemy if he is crouching. The other uppercut is electric wind or also called the God fist. The damage varies from normal hit to critical hit. Critical hit deals more damage and launches the enemy higher. To execute the god fist, press forward, down/forward + right punch.
Well, Tekken 5 DR is much cheaper than Tekken 6 at the moment. In Tekken 5 DR, you start with all of the characters so if you want all of them to start with go for Tekken 5 DR. If you already have Tekken 5 for PS2, then you should get Tekken 6.
You can't -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lili isn't on Tekken 5, but she is on Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
sequel to tekken 5
Tekken 3 Tekken Tag Tournament Tekken 4 Tekken 5 Tekken: Dark Resurrection Tekken 6 Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion
Tekken 1, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, Tekken 6 all together there are 12 tekkens
You can't play as Jinpachi in Tekken 5.
you unlock jinpachi can in tekken 5 (dark resurrection) but in the normal tekken 5 you cannot unlock him.
Tekken Lord is the last ranking in arcade mode. It is the highest.
Do you mean Tekken because there are a Tekken 4, Tekken 5, and Tekken Tag Tournament PS2 games
No, it's an update to Tekken 5.
No. You can only do that from Tekken 5
Tekken 5 is a PS2 game and Tekken Dark Resurrection is a PSP game both are available on Amazon for around $15