You go into the camp tent where Jane is and there should be a save point there so u can exit the world
Go to chamber 1, then chamber 2, then chamber 3, then find the upper exit to chamber 2, go to chamber 5, then chamber 6, then to the upper level exit that leads to chamber 5, and from there go to chamber 4. WOOT! I'm wearing a kingdom hearts shirt right now, if that gives you any more confidence in my advice.
you make sure that you have a form available then use it by a save point. then exit to world map. you should have fully recharged drive
you can press the exit system sector when you choose next floor but you will hav to pass the first floor in order to get out hope i helped =D
its the first world u go to after u get the keyblade u have to fly ur gummi ship to it to get to the gummi ship, just walk out the big gate in the 1st district of traverse town called world exit
First you go out of the coliseum to where you're walking around where you're outside. Then you go to the place that used to be the "Exit to World Map" warp point. Instead of entering that point and exiting to the world map, in this game you're in the underworld.
Yes. She sacrificed herself to save Terra/Xehanort from being trapped in the Realm of Darkness too by sending them off with her Keyblade and armor. Which is stupid, because one would assume that you would be able to go with the Keyblade and the armor without slowing down enough to miss the exit. Plus, if she didn't save them, there would be no antagonist for Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2. Basically, she screwed everyone over. Congratulations Aqua. You're a wonderful person.
there are many exits and many ways to get out. just explore around and you will find an exit to the queens castle. if you mean how do you board the gummi ship, then go to a savepod and press down on the screen that pops up untill you reach the tab that says gummi ship. click that and FLY!
Well you would have to pass sunflower plain which is the (west or east exit in the on ii kingdom where onii king was staying)then you would go until you find an area where a bunch of oniis are just pass that and your at the entrance to kingdom of jolly and ripe kingdom
Yes.located close to stena drilling also.
Once you finish the DLC's main questline, a new path between Zion and the Mojave Wasteland will open up.
An exit sign with no arrows is immediately next to or above the actual exit or exit door. An exit sign with an arrow can be away from the exit and points in the direction of the exit.