Farming is When you put Your Town Hall outside for people to steal your trophies but protect your loot so farming is to protect loot Trophy Pushing is What it says and Hybrid is Protecting Loot and Town Hall 50/50. So Farming Is also a way to gain loot and protect loot so you will lose trophies but still you will protect your loot some will go for loot some will go for Sniping Which mean Targeting Town Hall.
Save up and farm your resources till you have enough to start upgrading your Town Hall.
Town hall level 7
Yes, sir, it is.
Level 10 is the highest
It's the best update on Clash of Clans! You get another drill, archer tower, cannon and much more!
Around 1700 trophies, or gold league.
It is a little high, try crystal or gold league.
The layout depends upon the level town hall the person has ,as the number of walls and other buildingsvary accordingly
It takes six days to upgrade to Town Hall level 7.
You hold on the button to buy gems for ten seconds and there. I did it for like a hundred times and I got everything to maximum level and even my town hall is a level 10
The league is not based on levels, but on trophies. You gain or lose trophies in battles. The higher your trophy count, the higher your league. If you lose enough trophies, you can be bumped back down.